graduated in law with the title of Magister Iuris at the Leopold-Franzens Universität of Innsbruck in 2016 with a thesis on the regulation of evidence in international arbitration. He carried out his legal trainee period in a Milan law firm specialized in international law, focusing in particular on the study and drafting of contracts in both English and in German. In 2021 he obtained a double-degree Ph.D. (Ph.D. Doktoratsstudium Italienisches Recht) at the Universities of Innsbruck and Padua, with a dissertation in real estate contracts and a master in European and International Business Law (LL.M.Eur.) at the Ludwig Maximilans Universität Munich.
He is a lawyer since 2019 and is specializing in contracts and in civil litigation.
He is registered on the list of the German consulate of the Italian German speaking lawyers (Deutsch-korrespondierende Rechtsanwälte) and since 2020 he is member of the Cultural Exchange between Italian and German Jurists Association (Associazione per gli Scambi Culturali tra Giuristi Italiani e Tedeschi).
- Anwendungsprobleme der Richtlinie 2003/8/EG unter besonderer Berücksichtigung des deutsch-italienischen Rechtsverkehrs, in Jahrbuch für Italienisches Recht, 2022, vol. XXXIII/XXXIV, pp. 133-150.
- Horatia Muir Watt, Lucia Bíziková, Agatha Brandão de Oliveira and Diego P Fernández Arroyo (eds), Global Private International Law – Adjudication without Frontiers (Book Review), in Austrian Review of International and European Law Online, 2021, vol. XXIV, pp. 454-458.
- Internet e i social network come nuovo scenario del rapporto tra diritto di libera manifestazione del pensiero e reato di diffamazione: analisi dei profili di risarcimento del danno, in Istituzioni Diritto Economia, 2020, vol. III, pp. 146-189.
- La forma del pactum fiduciae in un negozio fiduciario avente ad oggetto diritti reali su beni immobili: basta la parola?, in Riv. Notariato, 2020, vol. V, pp. 946-973.
- I patrimoni “operativi” destinati ad uno specifico affare: nuove opportunità e profili di criticità, in Istituzioni Diritto Economia, 2020, vol. I, pp. 126-151.
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